“Pages” (see Pricing) are often the bottleneck resource in terms of scaling.
It would be very important for us to maximize our usage of the Pages we are already paying for.
@Ada , thank you for the suggestion. You can find the count of limits you’ve set up for the project under the every projects on the Home dashboard in the app. Do you want just to add how many of these limits used, right?
Thanks for the reply. I didn’t know about the limits being shown in the overview! Since that is the case: Yes, preferably just add the “crawled pages” number to this row. Such as: “Limits used: 55/100 Pages …”
There is a risk that users will think that 55/100 pages means that 100 pages is max limit available on their plan, not the limit they set up in the projects settings. I think we can solve it, just adding amount of crawled pages to Site Audit section, above the Errors and Warnings. What do you think?
I see where you are coming from, that could indeed be misinterpreted…
an alternative might be also like a horizontal bar chart that shows allocated and crawled pages? Almost like a loading / progress bar:
50 crawled 100 allocated
However the actual implementation I leave to you guys. I am just requesting this issue since a recent update removed the “crawl subdomains” checkbox in the audit settings. Now a lot of domains are being crawled for pages on subdomains that are not in our scope of responsibility. All these new pages are flooding (and therefore overcapping) our allocated pages for the projects.
Therefore it would be nice to see in the overview, which projects are affected by this issue (and overcapping on crawled / allocated pages in general)
fyi: where it says “50 crawled 100 allocated” in my previous message i inserted an “ASCII art” progress bar but the system removed it.